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Procrastination is the Thief of Dreams!!
As I write this I want to ask that you pray for one of our Pearl Partners, Dana McKenzie.  
Tina Murphy let me know this morning that Dana had a heart attack last night and he was to have surgery today. Tina Murphy will keep us updated on his condition.

You are apart of Nature’s Pearl for a reason; get out and have FUN with your business and make a difference in others' lives. We had a very good week last week at Nature’s Pearl. 

New enrollments are strong, sales are very good and we are building momentum in the first month of the year. WE have a lot of Pearl Partners who are right on the verge of moving on to the next rank

This will surely be another exciting month. REMEMBER THE ACRONYM A.C.E. = Activity Creates Excitement in your business. Get out and have fun telling your story with Nature’s Pearl and sharing one of our amazing products.  
Last week we also had a great number of new people registering for the International Convention and we are now gaining momentum as our leaders realize the importance of getting all our Pearl Partners there.

The most important thing you can do right now for your Nature’s Pearl business is register immediately for our International Convention. Our Nature’s Pearl International Convention will be held at the Hilton in Charlotte, on March 8 – 9th 2013. You can register for this event at: 

 Nature’s Pearl is helping you fund your registration cost to the convention, see the amazing promotion that pays you for every Pearl Pack ($25), Pearl Plus pack ($50), and for every box of 4.44 shots ($5) you sponsor/sale. You can go to the convention for free for just doing the work you are already doing. Your registration is all-inclusive; hotel, meals, the ticket for the event, and many other amenities.

We are looking forward to having a record crowd for this First International Convention in March. 

I am in Los Angeles tonight and will be doing meetings here through Wednesday, All of these meetings are posted on >events. 

Have your prospects join the meetings and I will get them registered for you. I will be home on Thursday in time to do the International Call on Thursday night.

Here are some great opportunities to Rock the Pearl with your business this week:
  • NP 30 Minute Company Webcast Overview, January 21st at 9:00PM EST  - click here to register: To dial in by phone the number is 559.726.1200, access code 558852#. Hosted by Director and FLC Leader, John Cini. Let’s pack it out!
  • Nature’s Pearl International TEAM Training Call, Thursday, January 24th at 9:00PM EST. - This call will be hosted by Natures Pearl Global Director of Field Operations, Joseph Land. To Participate dial : 712-.432-9670 then enter code 30205#.
  • *** The NEW Nature’s Pearl Phone APP -  is AWESOME !!! If you have an iPhone or Android download your APP and get started. John Preski, President of memberTek, gave some amazing updates and insights into what is coming with this APP. You can have your business in the palm of your hand!!!! A lot of people are sponsoring New Pearl Partners and enrolling them right on the spot with our new NP APP.
  • Go to the Official Nature’s Pearl, Pearl Life Facebook Page and “Like” it!  : Encourage all of your friends to like it. Our goal is 10,000 likes. Let turn up the heat with our Social Media.
  • Our Next Le Tour de Pearl is on February 8 – 9th. Make plans to join us as we gain momentum towards our International Convention.
Finally, here is a devotional excerpt that I read last week which I think will encourage you:  

“The scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. God Himself spoke the worlds into existence by the creative power of words. Think about that for a moment — you can bless your future with your words, or you can curse it. 

 There are many influences over our words. In the heat of the moment, we can let our emotions tell us what to say. We can listen to what others say and allow their opinions and ideas to influence our words. We can even be influenced by what we watch on TV, the internet or read in the news. But notice what today’s verse tells us that a wise person does — a wise person listens to their heart and lets their heart teach them what to say. 

As a believer, when you listen to your heart, you are allowing the Spirit of God to influence your words. When you speak from your heart, you are speaking from the heart of God. Today, listen to your heart. Take time to be still and quiet before the Lord. 

Allow Him to teach you what to say. As you submit your words and ways to Him, He will direct your path and lead you into victory in every area of your life! Joel Osteen

A challenge: Make it your mission to speak a blessing into someone’s life this week!!!

Have a great week!
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