Last week we also had a great number of new people registering for the International Convention and we are now gaining momentum as our leaders realize the importance of getting all our Pearl Partners there.
The most important thing you can do right now for your Nature’s Pearl business is register immediately for our International Convention. Our Nature’s Pearl International Convention will be held at the Hilton in Charlotte, on March 8 – 9th 2013. You can register for this event at:
Nature’s Pearl is helping you fund your registration cost to the convention, see the amazing promotion that pays you for every Pearl Pack ($25), Pearl Plus pack ($50), and for every box of 4.44 shots ($5) you sponsor/sale. You can go to the convention for free for just doing the work you are already doing. Your registration is all-inclusive; hotel, meals, the ticket for the event, and many other amenities.
We are looking forward to having a record crowd for this First International Convention in March.
I am in Los Angeles tonight and will be doing meetings here through Wednesday, All of these meetings are posted on >events.
Have your prospects join the meetings and I will get them registered for you. I will be home on Thursday in time to do the International Call on Thursday night.
Here are some great opportunities to Rock the Pearl with your business this week: